
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. What's up cutie? You miss me? 
  2. Didn't you quit bro? 
  3. That awkward moment when my maid forgets to put a spoon away and is slowly killing me with psychological warfare
  4. Me quit?  I was taking a little break didn't want to war or anything that's it but people drag me 
  5. Temporarily rage quit 
  6.  Natalia!
     kone better not quit!
  7. Yea man I had to but I'm all good now lol I won't quit KITKAT 
  8. I'm serious!
    Irusha, this lousy maid, is slowly killing me! She knows I hate spoons!
  9. Irusha? Another Russian? Lmao!

    Better not!
  10. She's Portuguese .----.

    I'm afraid of spoons, still.

    My husband is no help, paying that lousy maid to do a crappy job...
  11.  get off forums 
  12. 

    Koney! Never!!
  13. hey Katherine if your husband stayed at work until 4 each morning would you think he's cheating on you?
  14.  please it's hard for me to be here and in war 
  15. I don't have a husband.. 4 in the morning? Uhh yea..
  16. Too bad!  
  17. 
    You should get married
    fun stuff
  18.  I'm too Young!! 