Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -YouWantSome_IllGiveItYa-, Mar 9, 2012.

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  1. Blizzy may I have some um british
  2. Thank you, I know but there's not much we can do about that. Farming him will just make him worse. *Takes a bite out of the crumpet*

    Sure Rhyan it's here. *Passes Rhy the baseball bat*
  3. Sorry, old chap, no biscuits for you Rhyan.
  4. -smacks tazz with it-
  5. Now can I have some tea?
  6. Terrible aim Rhy. *Rolls eyes and takes baseball bat* ya gotta swing back and release.
  7. ... I'd kill you all.
  8. Too bad you're already dead.
  9. If im dead how am I still talking?
  10. Fück silenced forever.
  11. Then you might want to stop bypassing before you get forum banned too. The swearing stops now. And Blizzy this is a warning to calm down.
  12. Somebody ask a mod how to appeal to a perm silence please
  13. Mindy, check every forum Blizzy is in. Then silence her.
  14. Wait atleast a week and email support@athinkingape.com They are the only ones with the power to undilence you. Explain what you have done, apologize and ask very nicely for another chance.
  15. Lol rhyan u know a mod?
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