DarkRose plz read

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Livkat28 (01), Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Heey Darkrose... i think we got off on the wrong foot and i relized how immature ive been and im really sorry :( it was a tough time of life for me and i was rlly moody. Plz reply on this thread if u forgive me and if were friends again? Thanks, sorry.
  2. Haha u copied my thread name :lol:
  3. Couldn't think of a witty troll comment.

    All this time away is killing me.
  4. sorry terry...
  5. It's ok, just pointing it out :smile:
  6. That's okay, Terry. I've counted six threads with the same name in the past month. Lol.

    I'm glad people are giving Rose a chance. She's a great moderator and deserves better than the crap people have given her.
  7. i didt even notice ahha
  8. my comment was to terry
  9. Exactly neon! Rose is cool beanz :smile:
  10. N'aww 

    Don't worry, I only hold grudges with a few people Liv  Past is the past.
  11.  Rose has apology threads 

    Never thought i would see this day 

  12. I bet u only posted this coz u didn't want to get silenced
  13. so darkrose u dont hate me anymore?