Kicking People Off of Threads

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -KiLLeR_NaTe___KiLLs-YoU__-, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Why do people say "____ get off my thread im kicking you" or something along those lines? It's not like thet can prevent me from posting on it...
  2. Read the ToU. They can ask you to leave the thread but you can continue to post if they continue to post about you.
  3. [​IMG]

    If you couldn't find it 
  4. Hahaha well a mod can silence you from forums If you get asked to leave and still don't, but that never happens. Usually the mods just see that the OP is being a d***
  5. How is the "due to excessive profanity or spam" part always overlooked? There has to be a legitimate reason. I can't just tell someone to leave because I don't like them.
  6. Excessive spam or profanity*
  7. Yup! I agree that a overwhelming amount of people who create thread will have someone disagree with them and they will tell person to leave.
  8. Maybe it is a tie in rule of harassment. Best thing to do is ask a mod to clarify.
  9. They have. I fought with cookie for a long time..... They say it's no matter what but the rules clearly say it has to be for a good reason. Spam or profanity.
  10. I agree . I will ask mod to come to forum and clarify.
  11. Moderators cannot silence users from forums, we can ask support to issue a permanent forum ban though.

    The current situation with this rule is that is agreed with developers, but they never bothered to update the Terms Of Use. They have issued no guidelines of how we are meant to enforce, or whether we even should. I believe that the Terms Of Use were meant to be reviewed in December, but this never took place. I'm not sure if the TOU is still the version with a different game than pimd featured throughout.

    So, there is nothing moderators can do. We can't silence users from forums, we can't silence for it, and we can't request a forum ban for it. I have repeatedly asked members of the support team for guidance on this issue but none was provided. I think that the developer who introduced the 'Get off my thread' rule, did so without consulting the support team. However, he has now left A Thinking Ape. The only way this rule would apply is if the user is breaking the Terms Of Use on a thread, then the OP can request that they cease posting.
  12. I'll take it.
  13. I have a problem reading long posts ... Too much LSD in my day ...j/k