
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SIimShady, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. I really need to know how to become a mod
  2. He probably either wants the award or to silence someone.
  3. Well I quess I don't really need to know just want to know
  4. Ohh that's not the same young man... You really need to breathe... But you really want to know 
  5. What award??!!

    I want the award!!!

    How do I become mod??!!!
  6. Mod positions are filled already.
    But I did hear a rumor Neon might back down?

    But as moderator we need someone who knows the game.

    like.... _Warrior or I-Love-Oreo-Pie
  7. I don't think they need Mods at the moment. Until NeonWolf leaves.  I heard he resigned.
  8. Screw them!! I want the award!!!!

    They can have the job I have the award 
  9. Oh, Phoenix You make me laugh I would never be a mod

    Anyways, Neon told me that he is backing down from his mod position a few days ago. He still has his mod abilities, because he said it takes a week or two for ATA to remove them.

    That will leave only 7 mods right now, with 4 on US campus and 3 on Asian campus.

    At one point, we had eleven mods Dang
  10. You can become a moderator by emailing saying:
    • Your Username
    • Your Name
    • Your Age/Birthday
    • What Game You Play (PIMD)
    • Your PIMD History (i.e. when you started, etc.)
    • Your Qualities that Apply to the Moderator Role
    • What Region You Are From (USA, Asia, etc.)
    • Why You Want to be a Mod
    • What You Like About PIMD
    • Have You Been Silenced?
    • Do You Report Violators of the ToU?
    • What Have You Done to Help the PIMD Community?
    • Why You Would be a Good Moderator
    • Any Additional Information

    Good luck!
  11. I should be a mod. I'd be all like *****, you silenced. Now get off my game.
  12. Your game?
  13. that's what I'd say.
  14.  Cool copy and paste, bro. Say on topic.
  15. When did I start?

  16. The OP bypassed on forums less than 24 hours ago, no mod award for them.
  17. Dang, Cookie.

    You've done your research