Before class Id take all the teachers chalk, pens, books and staplers, etc. from her desk(inside and out)... After 15mins we have her the trashcan
I've also put a kick me sign on a friends back (thinking it wouldnt work) ppl actually started kicking her... She hadn't talked to me since (this was 10yrs ago) this weird kid didn't know what virginity was so we convinced him it meant hugging... He went up to our art teacher saying he lost his virginity to his mother that morning
This was when I was a little boy, I got the nivea cream stuff n mixed ut with coco powder, rubbed ut all over the toilet wall to make It look like I set a video recorder in the high corner. Mum walk in in the morning she starts going off n screaming bout how I rubbed crap all over the wall. I got it all on tape
Way back in home ec... We were making red velvet cake. This dude noone liked stuck his finger in the batter, so we added extra vinegar, flour, hand soap, and a.b.c gum(every Time he turned around, something went in) we let him take the whole thing... The next day we asked how it was... He said his mom enjoyed it ...oops (mean but this kid smelt funny)
I was driving back home from Newcastle with my mate, his Dad and his Dad's mate. It was a 5-hour journey. Near the end of the journey, my mate had fallen asleep in the car - it was 10PM - so my mate's dad decided to swerve the car while we all screamed. Scared the crap out of my mate.
Natie, that's a bit more like bullying than pranking... js. .-. But I may be a hypocrite. The middleschooler who kissed the guy began avoiding me... ._. Ahhh. The power of elementary students.
I once pranked a pimd player. And it exploded on me. And I lost some of my energy. So I waited for it to regenerate.
Matt, you and Leo are so boring. >:I Haven't you ever pranked anyone?! I know I have. There was a haunted house event once, and I "accidentally" bumped into a sign that turned around, saying the exit out of the haunted house was left. It was suposed to be right, but nobody noticed. The boys group walked right through the black web used as a dead end and walked straight into the girl's bathroom. It was pitch dark, so kami. .-. I was one of the people who had to scare others. Dressed up as a witch. .-. Nearly got in trouble before a friend bailed me out and said that the boys switched the sign themselves. And if you're wondering how they could see in the darkness, the sign had flashing lights. It flashes every ten seconds, and amazingly, it was pure luck. I remember the vice principal screaming... Ahhh, kami.
I said "I don't love you" to my boyfriend And he almost had a heart attack! HAHAHAHAHA he actually fell for it
(I was 18, my ex 22) Me and my bf were in our rm... I acted all hesitant and told him there was something I should let him know... I kept hindering, then told him I was really 15... He was freaked out hed toich me, say it was fine, then yank his arm away and start freaking out again... He had to ask all our friends how old I was... Got him scared
____________________________________ by Chuck Norris on Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:37 pm This thread deserves a bump .