I got silenced

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Nephirus-, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Well.....Jk. Nahh bro, im sad
  2. Olivia. You should love me moar for silencing me .

    Claudia I won't get to talk to you! 
  3. Olivia...Ur emoji...looks...uncertain
  4. Until tmrw
  5. I love ya.

    I smacked you with my silencing stick.

    Be good now or I smack harder next time 
  6. It's boring for a whole day not talking to you and you'r sarcastic comments... Or are they? 
  7. Olivia. I love your smacking 
  8. Nope, My comments are sarcastic.
  9.  Olivia so evil.. Now I can't talk to anyone 
  10. It was ur choice to post it on Campus
  11. Go take a long nap.

    Wake up tmrw and BOOM
    You can yell all you like :3 
  12. Lol idk.. I was trolling

  13. I can't send claudia gifts.
  14. Ill send one for u bud 
  15. Lmao. Drac