I got silenced

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Nephirus-, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. I thought we were buddies 
  2. buddies? not friends? whats the difference? is buddies secondary?
  3. No I was just kidding.  . And u don't tell the whole world I have feelings for you
  4. Kinda not the whole world, I bet 90% percent of noobs dont kno how to get to Forums
  5. Lol but you told about 200 peeps 
    But it was awkward wasn't it 

  6. What's "forum" ?

  7. Is this the restroom? 
  8. I suppose I could have used better grammar. Whateves 
  9. You so mean Olivia. You silenced me 
  10. Ooppss i was typing too fast
  11. Drac, NoOver thr is the restroom
  12. Silly Claudia 
  13. Well yeah I did.

    There's no cheats in google you dirty liar 
  14. Lol Olivia 
    If there is, I would be rank #1 not Phantasm 
  15. Lmao shes already tried looking 
  16. Lmao. Nephy tht was for nothing
  17. Yeah, I am a hacker but I knew there was hack but I just wanted to waste that noob's time. Sorry Claudia, you cant talk to me now.
  18. Wasnt* fail typo or I could of gotten banned 
  19. I'm sad Claudia. You're probably happy 