I got silenced

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Nephirus-, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Nope. I definatly see a spark Big one too
  2. I see you being crazy
  3. Well we're married until I give him a tank  then I can divorce him  And then it's alll good 
  4. Oh well, That sucks...Cuz i thought ya did, after u told me u had feelings for me an all. I thought we couldve became close friends. Eek Sucks For U...Sorry if i "offended" u
  5. 2nd decent silenced thread ever!

    Congrats on not being a whiner  
  6. lmao Olivia
  7. I thought u a young responsible man but nope i was wrong u shall never own nicoles club again 
  8. How close is Close friend Claudia? 
    And thanks Olivia, I thought it was pretty funny lol
  9. Ohhhhhhh he's married? FREEDOM!!!! 

    Good silence thread! Second?
  10. Lol Claudia. How close is close friend? 
    Lol Azarah, it's temp until I get a tank
    Anyway, Bleh I'll probably go away for a whole day and then back
  11. How is close friend? Thats gramatically incorrect.
  12. U mean, How am i a close friend?
  13. 

    A whole day?
  14. Olivia-  I whined!
  15. Ahahaha no, I mean how Close as in A close friend?
  16. Idk, I thought we were friends right?