Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MASTEROFPEOPLE, Feb 24, 2012.

  1.  Lmao. Meanie 
  2. What are u talking about? What did I do?
  3. Whiz Khalifa and Dshots lol you guys are lame! Why gotta start talking shit?
  4. Drama is about to start!!!!
  5. Lmao as lame as randomly telling people to follow them :p if you had an interesting story or life people would be storming to follow you. Easy enough if you're trying to get people to talk to you.
  6. Ok all I said was "follow me " and u say stuff about me, I didn't do crap so u should just shut up.
  7. Just sayin, that's what's so funny cause you asked.
  8. What the hell did I do?
  9. Well then don't say anything next time.
  10. Same to you bud. So do you actually have an interesting story or are you just bumping threads left and right?
  11. Why was my name in this??
  12. Wait till the rescuers come and then all hell will break loose 
  13. Just cause you said no :p then he asked what's so funny and that's where it all started hahaha. It's not even drama.
  14. Who is rescuers?
  15. An actress and I can't remember the name of the other 

    Along with the dude they creat drama in every thread they post on
  16. All I said was follow me do go back and read it again and see who started this ok monanzita
  17. Stupid autocorrect I ment " so go back...
  18. Hahaha we are already over it dude sorry if I pissed you off, maybe I need to join the rescuers 0.o I actually barely create drama.
  19. I put my dog in a cooking pan ... But I did not cook him. 