A GiFT oR a CUrSe

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -SuRFer-ChICk-Lys-, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. I had to put u in there ninja I just had to 
  2.   I want to be in the story also. .

    Nice story Spartacus . Keep it up.
  3. Nice adds lys I wanna read more
  4. I'll post more this weekend...kinda busy srry 
  5. ok guys posting later today for sure...srry for the wait...again I was super busy this weekend
  6. I wonder who Austin is......
  7. Update dammit. 
  8. PART 

    After six songs we finally got off stage. Everyone was crazy for us and I don't blame them, we rock! "Thanks guys for playing at my party people seem to really like you guys" Angelina said handing us our pay for the night. "Go and enjoy yourselves, you deserve it!" She was right, we need to party too!
    I danced for about an hour, time really does fly when your having fun! "Hey Jeff do you need a ride back? I'm heading out in a few." He looked tired from all the dancing, "Yeah ninja I'll b right there." I was walking to my car and looked at my phone, 11pm. Before I could look up a hand was clamped on my mouth and I was being dragged backwards. I tried to elbow him but it wasn't working! "Your mine and you will thank me." His voice soft almost a whisper. "They can't have you." I stopped thrashing around and was breathing really fast. He let go and stood there, I couldn't scream or move or do anything. It's like I was frozen. He backed up and walked away. What the hell just happened!
  9. SCARY!!! 
  10. 
  11. more!!!
  12. WICKED AWESOME!!! Lyssa be a novelist I'd love reading your books...
  13. Loving it sissy!!! 
  14.  will hav part 5 up tomorrow
  15. I like it lys:) just maybe try to be a bit more consistent with the verb tense
  16. ...and somehow it reminds me of something i hope you're doing fine
  17. I can't wait to see where this leads
  18. yes lily im ok...I promise
  19. ok srry for the delay on update...things hav come up and I'll hav part 5 to all u guys by tomorrow