Aghast! A wild ༄Webboo༄ appears in my tc and says he has almost overthrown Waldo for the title of Hide and Seek Champ 2011-2012 ! His ninja level skills have surpassed expert and his sneaky reporty news talents have sky rocketed Then he starts singing: "Guess who's back. Back Again. Webboo's back. And scared of the Cat in the Hat." It's all too much to handle! I swoon at the mere thought of his return! The crowd cheers! The noobs whine! We Webboo! Anyways so um ;d; Yeah, not sure if it's just a visit but my Boo is back and I'm very excited :3 But you know, I'm hiding it well I think. Playin' it off pretty cool so yeah cough ..... Er Welcome Back Boo!
I'm a ghost ninja. Hwy-Yah! I'm also scared of the grinch and the movie 'Snakes on a Plane'. Love you Olivia! I might stay for a while, depends.
BOO *faints very unladylike* ..... *scrambles up quickly* .... *brushes self off* ...... What? Jordan tripped me. Hehe ! I'm so happy you're back
Webboo!!! Are you gonna start up your news segment again? I missed your news!!! I know you said you stopped. But it can't hurt to ask!
I'm pretty Sure Webboo has been here for quite a while just wasn't on. I mean like his status said that he's back a month ago. But Welcome Back!