what's the funniest status message u have ever seen

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *divinewolf (01), Feb 22, 2012.

  1. The name of the thread explains what it's about so if you can't figure out what it's about you have issues.
  2. I'm still spazzin OUT man

  3. Love the pic to XD
  4. Someone's was like: I love...

    Then they come back and tell you they don't love them, they love you. It's life wtf man?
  5. Where all the damn mods!!!

    Holy monkey shit someone help me

  6. Lmao I laugh at that it's so funny
  7. DIVINE WOLF!!!!

    *punch* Hey playa!
  8. Lol yo long time no c
  9. I know xD what you been up to?
  10. Uhmmmmm....very dangerous things

  11. To stay on topic;
    The funniest status message? Hm, that's a tough one...

    "I like melons. Big juicy ones." - J1mb0_Slice 

    I'm engaged to him 
  12. Happy....uhhh...engagement
  13. Idk what my funniest would b
  14. Ya I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say happy early wedding or something like that lol don't blame ne I'm 13
  15. Another one..:
