Iamdalady, You missed my point. I never said I ascribe to such a policy. In fact, I don't hire at all, and my tutors are overpriced for the market. But that's ok Enjoy the game.
Also, the thought that my tutors, priced as they are and having been with me to our mutual benefit since August, might reset on me? That's a risk I'll take.
DoubleM, then why would you hire from someone in an actual war? Your same excuse each time is that you didn't see.
I agree! It's only fair for the tutor if their pupil isn't helping them upgrade then it's fair game for others to help.
War should not be a reason to hog on to UNDERPRICED tutors. It's one choice to get into a war, why a player with a pupil in war can't be brought to a fair value, or upgrade, or get help from a volley? When one chose to war, one risks having tutors been hired away. To minimize such risk, pls overpriced all tutors before going into a war, instead of getting frustrated with others hiring underpriced tutors from you.
Stop hiring my tutors Leave them alone..i can't part from them Oh my tutor shop is open
Abby, I like you. I think you are very intelligent but you kind of just proved my point. Anyone can leave or downgrade at any time for any reason. It is as much of a risk as just having someone hire tuts from you. By downgrading to practically zero stats, your pupil is hosed. That was a risk he took when he hired you. Now would it have been better for him if someone hired you before hand with a free tutor market? Absolutely.