Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Doublem7, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. Iamdalady,

    You missed my point. I never said I ascribe to such a policy. In fact, I don't hire at all, and my tutors are overpriced for the market. But that's ok  Enjoy the game.

  2. Also, the thought that my tutors, priced as they are and having been with me to our mutual benefit since August, might reset on me?  That's a risk I'll take.
  3. Abby, huney, I'd never reset on you. Greatest pupil ever 
  4. I keep pressing the reset button for a week now but it won't work
  5. DoubleM, then why would you hire from someone in an actual war? Your same excuse each time is that you didn't see.
  6. I agree! It's only fair for the tutor if their pupil isn't helping them upgrade then it's fair game for others to help.
  7. War should not be a reason to hog on to UNDERPRICED tutors. It's one choice to get into a war, why a player with a pupil in war can't be brought to a fair value, or upgrade, or get help from a volley?

    When one chose to war, one risks having tutors been hired away. To minimize such risk, pls overpriced all tutors before going into a war, instead of getting frustrated with others hiring underpriced tutors from you.
  8. Stop hiring my tutors
    Leave them alone..i can't part from them

    Oh my tutor shop is open
  9. Lol I'm open too 
  10. 
  12. Abby,
    I like you. I think you are very intelligent but you kind of just proved my point. Anyone can leave or downgrade at any time for any reason. It is as much of a risk as just having someone hire tuts from you. By downgrading to practically zero stats, your pupil is hosed. That was a risk he took when he hired you. Now would it have been better for him if someone hired you before hand with a free tutor market? Absolutely.