
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *divinewolf (01), Feb 17, 2012.

  1. If love wasn't so cruel everybody would rule their own lives. When I will die I won't be surprised to find out my ex was the killer. She stalks me and barely anyone talks to me because of her. I wish yoda would come with his soda and teach her the ways of a Jedi. Then she would leave and I wouldn't grieve to have her gone. Hopefully she doesn't come back cause then I'll be screwed no matter what I do.
    I am a lover my ex is a hater she couldn't love if she tried. I am a dreamer my ex is my nightmare she makes everybody cry. When I got stronger she made me weaker I hate her all the time.
    When I crushed her she took over and ruined my whole life. I didn't mean to hurt her but its not the easiest thing. When I told her she was like jack the ripper. She chased me away with those sharp blades I was never so scared in my life. Sometimes I say yay when I think of the day I die. But until that day comes I have my exs car chasin me down the mall. When the everyone saw her chase me down screaming mother f****r it was up on YouTube in an instant.3 million hits and I'm still getting attacked by the ex from he**.
    I am a lover my ex is a hater she couldn't love if she tried. I am a dreamer my ex is my nightmare she makes everybody cry. When I got stronger she made me weaker I hate her all the time, all the time, all the time...

    Btw this has no connection to my life I just go bored
  2. *beatboxes in background*
  3. So whatca think
  4. Dude press charges
  5. Sweet wolf
  6. Lol qwert and thx draz
  7. Besides bypassing i like it
  8. Ty I enjoy my...uhhhm..."special" work