stories of the paranormal

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dshots, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Well, idk if I was possessed but I dreamed about someone that I don't even know. All I saw in the dream was just a white transparent person doing his daily routine. I thought it was pretty scary so I ran to my house. When I opened the door, it was an endless tunnel, then I saw the white body follow me, then I woke up, sweating badly..I still feel a breeze right when I woke up.
  2. As I said before, I feel this presence when I'm on my own. It then dies down for a few days. I like checking out books on supernatural stuff from the library, but that brings the presence. You can say that it's my imagination, but how can that explain the blue orb I saw for a second or so?
  3. Also, at night, my dog sleeps on my bed. Sometimes, she gets restless. She growls and her fur stands on end. She goes on growling for a few minutes, then dashes under the covers, whining.
  4. Dog sense are always true!
  5. My dogs do that to lovely...
  6. Yeah, she did that on the night of the dream (pg2)
  7. I have really freaky deaky dreams

    Like Deja vu. I'll tell you a memory...

    1) we were moving out of my childhood home. Moving to a small town called Lawrencetown. The night we got in I dreamed about the lady next door, Barb. I dreamed that she had 2 boys with her, and I was up in a cupboard trying to run away from her. They were taunting me. And they wouldn't stop. I knew the boys from my old home. Then Barb started climbing the walls trying to reach me. My heart pounded as she grabbed te end of my night gown..

    And I woke up. I started flipping out. I was 8. For the next series of years I could sleep alone. I was just shaking and I was so scared it's just you wouldn't understand the feeling..

    I have some Deja vu stories that I'll post now..
  8. Deja vu stories

    We were driving to my new home in a small town called Lawrencetown. The drive was 4 hours and all of our stuff was packed. When we finally got to the house it was probably 6pm and we had supper and did the normal and then we went to bed. none of us had real beds at the time so we slept on small mattresses left by the past owner. I remember them being pretty coumfy and I fell asleep.
    I dreamed about the drive. I dreamed about a dragon fly biting my wrist and taking a bit of skin off.

    When I woke up we had to drive back to our old place again to grab the remaining things. On the drive back to Lawrencetown again, a dragonfly came and bit me
  9. Um.. I have so many freaky stories..

    My nanny has 3 sisters. 2 of them are twins. I've also personally thought that they were really really odd people.. Went to church every Sunday. Practically lived there. I guess you could call them "bible thumpers"

    Anyway, I have also thought that they were part of the witch coven. I mean like legit witchs. Anyway (oh crap, I'm scared thinking about thisI don't know if I can finish this) they always go together where ever they go. One summer when I went down to their home (they live together) they sent me to bed at like 9:30. I always caught them doing very strange things. So anyway, one of those nights when I went to bed, I had finally fallen asleep. A sudden pinch in my thumb and my hand started twitching. I started freaking out in dream world but I couldn't wake up.

    I could feel like something going into my thumb. It freaked me so hard my whole body started shaking.

    And then it all stopped. I was back in my dream world. It was all very dark. I felt kind of like a ghost in my dream. Because I was actually looking over the scene.

    It was very.. Choppy. Like I would be at one angle and then quickly another. Like an unsteady film. Anyway, I saw the three sisters looking over my body in bed.

    Just staring straight at me. Except different. Their hair was all like almost chopped off. My nanny was holding this huge creepy black book while the others were just standing. Straight.

    Something in me froze and I woke up. I was sweating a lot. Nobody was in the room. It was probably about 5am. My nanny wasn't in bed sleeping (me and her shared a bed) so i figured she had woke up and was knitting. I walked out to the living room uneasy.
    In kind of like a trio movement they all looked up at me. It was still fairly dark out.

    We talked for about 5 minutes and I went back to bed. Later that day I lied to them and told them that poppy wanted to take me back to his home (which I loved going there) and surely enough poppy came and got me (after I begged and begged)..

    I'm scared now
  10. Wow these are amazing stories, also I know for a fact it isn't the slendermen, for one he has souless black eyes, And Yellow eyes doesn't respond well to being told to leave.. Slendermen must leave you alone if you tell him to...
  11. Oh no, I've got his feeling again. I'm being watched, I know it. . Every time I read or talk about this stuff, I get thus feeling. My friends are also into this stuff. When they come to sleep overs at my house, we always talk about this, and then stuff starts to happen. My night lamp flickers for a bit, the curtains sway and so on. I haven't had a sleep over at my house of months, because of this. Any ideas how I can stop this?
  12. I think you just notice more things out of line when you are spooked and you try and explain it using what you were most recently talking about, being paranormal stuff... I have had some creepy things like that happen that have had no explanation, time for my next story which happened in my dream world, until I woke up...
  13. Sorry, I didn't understand what you are trying ho say
  14. I meant you freak yourself out on all this paranormal stuff that once anything out of the norm happens light a faulty light bulb you automatically assume its a ghost
  15. Lol, probably. But I'm not kidding about those dreams I mentioned on pg 2
  16. I got really scared when I shared these stories and started crying
  17. Lol call me a baby if you wantI get so emotional all the time because I have seen something like yellow eyes before.. And my boyfriend sees demons.

    Kinda why we click

    He's told me about seeing dead things and they follow him..
  18. This thread deserves a bump.