Does anyone have any good stories of things that shouldn't exist? Even without my faith in religion I have been followed since about the age 8 or 9 by some presence I have come to call Yellow Eyes. I have a good handful of stories from dreams to things In real life, but I want to hear your stories as well and see what everyone else has to deal with day by day. It's a struggle for me but all I want are answers to questions like "why me?", and "what do you want with me?" I'll post my first story and where I believe it all begins for me.
When I was 7 or 8 (one year before my first sibling was born) I started having an unusual re-accruing dream that would come once or twice a month. My family and I had just moved to a small town outside of Colorado Springs. It was my first house I ever lived in and I was so excited to have a back yard to play in and a neighborhood full of kids, one thing I wasn't excited for was the basement. It's cold concrete floors and dark mahogany walls scared me to no end. Down the stair case and to the left was a narrow hallway with a bedroom at the very end and a closet made from the area under the stairs. I never dared going into that room ever... The dream was unlike any that I've ever had even to this day. I woke up in a field of wheat with blurry vision. I could only make out colors and couldn't see anything in detail, my other senses were off the charts though. I could feel the wind brush the wheat along my arms and the warmth of the sun come down on my face. I would wander this area for a few moments when all of a sudden like a car sub dropping really low base I heard something In the distance. I started running because I could sense that it was danger. All of a sudden 3 large spheres of black would come at me and when they hit me I could feel so much pain shoot through my body. Everything hurt so bad everytime the spheres would touch me each time I had this dream, and it always came in threes. It wasn't until the final time that I had this dream that I knew it was more then just a dream..
I woke up somehow from my dream when I heard the siren (car base) I was so scared I started sprinting for my parents bedroom. When I would close my eyes I'd be in my dream world, but when I opened them id be running through my house. It was the strangest feeling ever and I've never experienced that again in my life. I got the door of the room and then it hit. The spheres hit me even while I was awake and I felt the pain course through my body. I hit the floor and started screaming. My stepdad ran to the door and carried me into their bed frantically asking me whats happening. I buried my face in a pillow and I could see the last sphere, as it hit I screamed and opened my eyes but this time I didn't come back to my house. Symbols burning flew line by line along my line of vision. I screamed and started crying and shaking. When it finally stopped my parents didn't believe me. I ran to the basement and sat in that closet for 6 hours. My mom found me at 3 pm after being worried sick about me. I don't know what I did for that 6 hours but I have no memory of even walking down to the closet.
I used to be able to read things from jewellery but then decided it was a load of rubbish so can't do it anymore.
I used to when I was younger. Could read things from the owner's past. Then I decided that couldn't possibly be possible so stopped.
Yeah they were. The people knew what I was talking about even though it happened years before or related to people who weren't here now. I just decided that it was weird and must have some other explanation so stopped.
Is it creepy that I dream about things that actually happen later, and that I sense a cold presense everywhere I go?
Tell us a story about your dreams... I've had it only happen once to me and it was odd that it wasn't an instance that was of significance in my life.
Well, one night, about 3 years ago, my parents got a phone call and rushed to the hospital, but they didn't tell me why. That nigh, I dreamt about my grandpa, I saw him walking away from me, and even though I kept calling me, he didn't turn around. The next morning, my mum came telling me that grandpa had died that night.
Also, every night for about a week, I kept having the same dream over and over. It was of a small plane, those kind that only the pilots fit. I dreamt that this plane crashed and caught fire. That week, there was a small plane race (I don't know what they're called). At the opening act, two planes crashed into eachother. The pilot of one survived but the other didn't. I remember his wife screaming with grief with her child in her arms. It was horrible.