PART I slung my old backpack over my shoulder and hopped out of the window. Thank god I only have a one story house or this would be complicated The cold air felt good on my face. I had thrown my hair in a bun and threw on some sweats and my converse. There was no difficulty getting out of my house because my parents could sleep through world war three. After climbing to the top of the water tower I sat down and got out my leather journal. I never go anywhere without it; scribbling my thoughts down usually helps me focus on things. A shadowy figure crosses the street to where I am. Slowly I can hear him climbing up the ladder to me. "Why the hell did you bring me here at 2:00 in the freaking morning!" Austins hair all scraggly and sleep still noticeable in his eyes. "oh quit cryin you big baby, I brought your favorite." I unzipped my backpack and reached for the cylinder tube at the bottom. Before I could take it all the way out he snatched the Pringles from my hand and started munching away; a content smile on his face. "The dreams are getting more frequent, I wouldn't of bothered bringing you out here if they were nothing. I've seen him before at the skate park last weekend!" "Are you sure?" he said with Pringles bits flying out of his mouth as he spoke. "Lys I'm sure it's all in your head. You dream about some freaky guy and you think youre seeing him, the dream is getting to you." "maybe youre right, im probably just overreacting a bit, sorry I brought you all the way out here for nothing." "Hey I got Pringles out of this so it's all good! I know you're scared Lys but they're just dreams ok? It's not real." i gave him a hug and we climbed down the ladder, "get some rest chica, you got a gig tomorrow right?" "ya," I chuckled, "need to get back home before my mom murders me." Something moved down the street but it was gone before I could get a good look at it. Just my eyes playing tricks on me again. I walked back home enjoying the cool air knowing my nightmares aren't going to stop anytime soon. srry this one was really long lol comment if u want more
Good stuff Ninja!!! You should pack a M-16 for your stalker dude, instead of chips in your backpack. Lmao