ten things I hate about darkrose

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *_DARKROSEISTHEWORSTMODEVER_ (01), Feb 8, 2012.

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  1. 10 things I only see one. What a dumb thread !! All I see is whining !!
  2. And in what instance would GARRET be a good mod?!
  3. he is pretty epic... But the mod wouldnt be to good UNLESS he would get rid of pervs on campus.
  4. Did someone say my name
    As she smashes more haters
    It's a freakin massacre
  6. You heard me
  7. Rose eats trolls for breakfast. You can't phase her
  8. Eww

    She must have a sick appetite
  9. Im mad his username is that Lmfao!
  10. I didn't come here to argue so please don't start one with me.
  11. go away
  12. Good things usually happen. Bad things sometimes happen. Peace out guys
  13. So aside from the ops stupidity... I would like to point out that I'm pretty sure Garret is madly in love with AdorableMons-TER and it makes me laugh so hard. Loser. 
  14. Also, in before lock :)
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