Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Devan315 (01), Feb 8, 2012.

  1. My thread is on top  oh yeahhh (Giggity) 
  2. Kai is daaa best
  3. ᎡᎤᎦᎬ is the best??? ᏁᎧᎤᏁ is #2 to me.
  4. Mindy puts rose too shame!!!

    Mindy FTW
  5. Olivia
    Then Rose
    Idk about cookie Cus I haven't met him yet
  6. Cookies a girl...??
  7. It's not funny
  8. Cookie is a guy lol
  9. Cookies a male.
  10. I hope I'm a mod soon
  11. Thank you for the clarification
  12. Wow, everyone is incapable of thought.... Literally..
  13. all mods are equal. All they people who hate mods are usually pervs who got silenced. A lot of people don't like cookie but he takes his job seriously...
  14.  I've never been silenced, because I know and follow the rules.

    I was never sucking up to anyone.

    I was stating my opinion, not facts.

    read all of my posts, not just 1.
  15. I'd say Rose is the best.

    She puts a ridiculous amount of time into this game and receives only disrespect and little appreciation in return. She's even ranked lower than other moderators who do a way worse job than she does.

    She's been strip farmed, doesn't care if She's liked, and is still willing to help out after all she's went through. How could there be a better moderator as of now?

    From What I've seen everyone or almost everyone has some sort of flaw that affects their performance. Some would let popularity take priority over doing their job fairly, or simply hardly do the job at all.

    As far as attitude goes, who wouldn't be slightly irritated after working so long? When you put that much time into the job it starts to have its affects. That Rose can still, after all this time, receive so much hate and still moderate so much is remarkable.

    So... Don't hate, appreciate.