I'm bored and want to make one About? A place where noobs trolls and pervs come together and play with other little boys and girls on the Internet. Meaning for words PIMD people use : Noobs- Honestly still don't know what it means but just a word people use to others. Trolls- People that go around and make sure they make everyones life horrible ....don't let them troll your thread -.- Threads- A place where most people go and make stupid threads that usually leads to trolling .. Also a place where people can share about how they got silenced for no reason and how there soooo upset Clubs- A place where you sit and chat at then can get into wars with other clubs ...... Beware if your weak you should probably not join wars. Pervs- You will see them everywhere and anywhere. Club Chat- Where you go and tell people pointless stuff like volley me or read my status . You also need speakers for this. Profile- Nothing. Just nothing. Farmed- When you get hit more the 3 times in 24 hours. Mods- They tell us what to do. And if you don't follow the rules .... Well ur silenced ): Silenced- Your dead for 24 hours -.- .....etc. Why you need to know these? Well you don't want to be trolled or farmed to death ..... Do you?
You don't need speakers for 'Club chat' I believe you are referring to World Chat or Campus Chat as some refer to it as