what really grinds your gears?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Betty_Decker, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. People who think other people that use larger words are trying to act superior or talk down to them. Some people just have an extended vocabulary and enjoy using it.

    Ugh, going to smoke and your lighter is dead. And the epic journey required to get a new $1.10 lighter.
  2. People who smoke and feel the need to have something that they can be addicted to because they need something to fulfil the emptiness of their horrid life
  3. People that get on here that have no life that go to work then come back and get straight on here to argue with people .........
  4. People who think people smoke for simple craving killing purposes. Or assume what the person smokes.

    On that note. The fact that marijuana is a proven medical aide yet the worlds opinion of it still blows. And that they can't possibly begin to understand what it's like to have allergies to medication and having no other known form of relief.

    People that keep trying to upset you but fail and only contradict themselves.

    And having a life that allows me to enjoy every aspect of it while also socializing online and off, but being hated on by people that clearly can't back their words up with actual knowledge of the person.
  5. People who make threads that know are going to start arguments but then get mad when there's a argument.

    People that think there cooler then everyone on here but in real life there the opposite.
  6. People that have to explain themselves when someone says something false about them. God. Just ignore them .smh.
  7. People who attack people on threads and think they're smarter than others but use the wrong form of they're 
  8. People active for 120 days who have noob stats. Clearly did not land complete reset. And think their opinion won't be laughed at. 120 days and under 6kcs!? Obviously you spend enough time on this game to chat in forums. But not enough time to do some battles or upgrade or actually play the game.

    "you must be at least 620k cs to seriously troll here"

    Otherwise I just laugh at your indirect way of screaming! "I suck at life and pimd!"
  9. People that correct others spelling.
  10. People that can hit other people but can't take a hit.
  11. This is a thread for opinions and humorous ranting not for anyone to attack me.

    But I hate people who think they can and I won't come back at them.
  12. People on here that are like 30 40 years old like dude get a life.
  13. Good point momo 
  14. People who respond do your text messages with "k" or ":)"
  15. People that use emoj. For everything.!
  16. People who assume you are 40 and have no life because they are most likely too young to be socializing on here.
    Who most likely are really the ones with no job or actual life.
    Live with their parents.
    Have no real friends.
    And no online friends either.

    Who spam attacks thinking they get stronger the more they post yet still have no serious backing.
  17. Agreed on the k or smiley text back. Ugh and voicemail from friends.
    I just delete them to hey rid of the notification. Voicemails are for missed business calls. If you are my friend I will just call you back dork :p
  18. Trying to type one word and my fat fingers make another word with the letters next to the ones I wanted  hey=get*
  19. The asian couple that streams movies at the grocery store.

    I don't understand how Asians wouldn't have Internet at home.
    Either way..
    My building isn't wired and I don't come here to stream movies do I? Do I bring my xbox and mini HD over and start shooting people?

    Maybe I should. 