"James" Amanda kisses the closest thing to her lips, "I'm gonna make it." James's face turns stunned, he regains closure "Just hold on." "No I can't make it." "I said hang on, so hang on!" James yells back at her, almost slipping of a branch "If you love me you won't leave me like this!" James's speed increases to the point Amanda can't see the shapes passing them by, everything was a blur. "James..." She says weekly. "Like hell am I losing you!" James jumps off a tree brand and lands on a pile of trees, crushing them, and burst off with amazing speed. "Your'e so fast" Amanda comments smiling. "Yeah shut up and try not die," James makes a left leaving sound and the colors of his clothes behind him. Lalo looks around and see the dead bodies of the Hashtag's, Melly comes sliding down the tree she was in and safely touches down on the ground. Killa wipes her bloody knifes on her clothes and puts them back in their holsters. "Wheres James?" She asks "And Amanda?" Melly says. Lalo looks around the forest "Wait...ya here that?" Theres a buzzing sound coming from the distance and out pops James with Amanda on his back "SHE's DYING KILLA HELP HER!" James has tears coming down his eyes. Killa rushes to him and checks on Amanda, "Internal bleeding, broken ribs, broken-" "I don't wanna know just help her!" James's comes out scratchy and weak. Lalo and Melly comfort James by putting his under their arms. "Lets go inside," Lalo says walking James, with the help of Mel, back inside. ---Cabin--- Killa works on Amanda. Using a healing barrier to keep Amanda alive while Killa cuts her open and examines her insides. James sits in the far corner of the cabin with his head buried between his legs and arms silently cursing to himself. Lalo holds Melly back before she can go talk to him "Let him have his space ok?" She nods. Lalo heads outside feeling the cool breeze. ---MECH--- The pitch black Mech slowly makes it's way closer to the cabin "Subjects 1, 2, 3, and 5 have been terminated, 4 is still alive but fatally wounded. Status: healing factor equals damaged." The mech moves silently through the woods now human sized not wanting to tip off Lalo and his team. "Status: Team Lalo. Tired, but can still fight. Chances of winning equal 90%, Amanda Hawk equals unconscious. Chances of winning equal 99.9% on a chance of rain equals a 50% chance of winning." The mech speeds up dodging trees and low branches. "Distance from target. 10 feet ahead. Approximate time of getting there. Less than 30 seconds." --Cabin--- James is on the roof feeling mixed emotions. Hate, love, sadness, loneliness. Happiness isn't in there because he doesn't feel it. "Damn it Amanda..." ---Mech--- The mech finally makes it to the cabin, it sees Lalo staring at it and making his way towards it, another figure hops down off the roof pulling out a symbiotic weapon "Weapon. Beware. Highly dangerous if contacts." The mech uses it's thermal vision and spots 3 figures inside of the figure's light is fading, but slowly. "Function. Eliminate. Mode equals ludicrous offensive." The mech transform it's arm into giant guns and it's legs and feet into thin agile legs. "Kill." It burst off the ground shooting at the two figures.
James and Lalo dodge the Mech's shots. "Lame!" James yells pissed off "Just got outta a fight and now we're bak in one this is some straight BS!" James rushes towards the mech and start shooting back. Lalo never seen James so angry. He rushed towards the Mech too and sent a barrage of kicks and punches. The Mech blocked every single one of them. James came up behind and round house kicked it on the back of it's head, following that he grabbed it's thin legs and slammed it on the ground before breaking the left leg clean off then sending it flying towards a tree then he shot it multiple times with his gun. "Die die die die die!" James yelled and laughed while doing it. Once he was done he took a deep breath then let it out "Done." ---Mech--- "Damage report? 20% life left. Starting healing factor." The mech's leg grew and healed slowly "40% complete, internal affairs? Damaged. Starting healing factor." The Mech released tiny healing robots inside it. The bots started repairing the inside. "James equals first priority, destroy." Once it was done rebuilding it hopped up out of the bushes it landed and did a warp in mid-air and landed behind James. The human said "Damn" the Mech grabbed his head and smashed him into the ground multiple times then breaking his arm then smashing him into the ground one more time before head butting him and sending him flying towards the house. A alarm went off inside the mech's head, it turned around immediately and caught a double booted kick to the face, the one called 'Lalo' stood over him and continuously pounded his fist into the Mech's chest finally breaking through. "Shock armed, fire" the mech's insides shot a electrical charge into Lalo's fist. The mech shoved it's thin legs into Lalo's stomach then kicking his off with it's fisted gun. A BANG caught him on the back of the head. "Target Melly. Options: blast the house down." It aimed the guns at the Cabin. Inside a voice said "DAMN IT! RUN!" "Fire." The mech shot out it's red and pink blast into the house making it explode. ---Lalo's Team--- Before the mech shot Killa grabbed Amanda and took Melly by her neck and sent them flying out the back before the cabin exploded. "KILLA!" Melly screamed. ---Mech--- The mech looked around before a series of bullets penetrated it's side "Melly." It turned around and and blasted another shot at her, she rolled out of the way and reloaded her sniper before shooting off a antenna on it's head "Melly equals terminate" the Mech changed it's small size to a bigger one it aimed it's gun at her and charged up. ---Melly--- Feeling defeated, her friend dead or unconscious, she shoots another shot at the Mech before laying down her gun and began crying. "Thats no way to give up," said James's voice. She looked up and saw him standing next to her "We can't just lay down and die, at least not me, its not my style." He was holding his broken arm and slouching like everything hurts if he stood up. The mech blasted it ray at them, James stepped in front of her. ---James--- He waited for the pain to come, he was ready to die. His eyes closed. "What am I kidding I can't die even if this mech tried to," he said to Mel, the ray hit him with full force. His skin peeled off and his head was exposing it's insides, the ray was hot like lava times one million, James couldn't handle the pain but pushed on for Mel. He regretted everything bad he did in his past. He felt his broken arm rip off, his face being torn apart down to his eyes, which were boiling inside his head. His mouth opened to say something but he couldn't because of the lack of the tongue and the ray burned his inside more quick. ---Lalo--- Lalo woke up to a sight of terror, his best friend, James, being torn apart by a continuos ray of energy burning him apart "James..." Lalo whispered trying to keep the tears inside. He got up but fell back down. He looked around confused then felt pain in his stomach, he felt it and blood shown on his hands "The fu-" he was interrupted by the silence. He looked up quick and saw what was James's skeleton poof into ashes. ---Killa--- She woke up buried under heavy boards. She lifted one off then used the rest of strength to push the rest off. She stood up and scanned his surroundings. Killa was still on the battle ground. She saw the mech standing over a sobbing Mel and Lalo on the ground behind it clutching his stomach. "What happened...?" He asks herself. She walks out of the rubble and silently heads towards Lalo. ---Amanda--- Amanda finally wakes up, but slowly, from the series of explosions. Holds onto her ribs and sees Melly crying saying screaming at the Mech. She gets up and her body fixes itself, he bones crack, her muscles vibrate causing her to heat up. "Melly..." She sees Killa looking after Lalo "Where...wheres James?" She looks around. Melly looks up at her through sad eyes, she points at the pile of ash laying in front of her. "Amanda...he's...he's dead." Melly cries more cursing out the Mech staring at Amanda. "No...he can't die he's immortal." Amanda's eyes tear up screams the f word at the Mech and charges him, her body takes the blows from it's guns, she's so angry her body ignores the pain. "DIE!" She leaps up and rips off the mech's head before pounding her way inside it and ripping anything that looks vulnerable. "Melly pick up James's ashes and run away with Killa and Lalo!" Amanda yells.
Melly looks at the pile that was James, scoops the dust into her shirt and runs across the dusty land to Lalo and Killa. "Amanda said we need to leave, now." Killa nods and helps Lalo up, who is still clutching his stomach, his face is full of defeat "Is...?" Lalo asks. Melly nods "Yeah it's James." Lalo's eyes close, then opens "Amanda will take care of the mess, we need to get the hell outta here and I need some patch work done!" Lalo puts on the figure of a boss but inside he feels dead "Melly round up the tank and hurry!" Melly looks down at James's ashes, Lalo groans "Ok get a cup with a lid inside the tank, put the ashes inside, then come get us!" Melly nods. "Wait the tank needs two hands to lift it..." "God...!" Lalo rolls his eyes "Ok Killa go with her, open the lid, hop in the tank, Melly you put James's ashes in a cup with a lid then! Come and get me, good?" "Yeah." Killa and Melly answer. ---Amanda--- Amanda tears the Mech's insides apart spilling oil and letting fumes out of tubes, she busts through it's chest. She turns towards it and watches it fall. "Fail safe mechanism activated. Atom bomb equals. Armed." A red light flashes from it's back, spinning quickly, the Mech's voice counts down from 10 "10, 9, 8..." "DAMN IT!" Amanda rushes towards the mech puts it on her shoulders and runs off into the wilderness. ---The Rest--- Lalo, Melly, Killa, and James's ashes are safe inside their tank. A constant beep cuts on. "Radiation detected." Another beep comes on "Particle tearer." Melly steps on the gas. A hug BANG! Starts off small then travels to the tank, picking it up and carrying it with the Atom's current. ---20 Minutes Later--- The tank is flipped erect, into the earth. A figure stirs in the darkness inside the tank. "Melly...?" calls a familiar voice "Killa...?" The voice asks again "Lalo...?" A huge gash forms in the tank letting it moon light, and the harmful chemical in the radiation cloud. "Amanda...?" That's the end of Double 0 Lalo Part Uno (One), Double 0 Lalo part 2 will come out soon, it will be called D0L (yes I am that lazy) any idea names for part 2 wall me or PM me you ideas the winner will get a gift and added into the story<---if you weren't in it before Keep an Eye out! LONG LIVE D0L!!!