Iraqi prisoners have no choice as they are fighting for their country. So it's not so nice for the Americans soldiers to humiliate them.
In a game where there's no law and order in place but just fellow gamers to self-regulate the game play of the community, what could have been a better way to deal with unreasonable aggression?
Need I bump this thread, Mag? Well I just did. Read the 2nd page. Find out who really made all the false accusations. You even admitted it. So, again, don't make false accusations about me.
Yeah man..its just a game..and you guys make this game more to reset button can only be press by e person himself, so how can u blame us for those ppl who resetted?cannot tahan dun play lo.
I was pretty neutral about the farm war till some terror members decided To strip farm my peaceful home club so now that i know who the badguys are... im gonna help farm em till their ALL DTW 24/7
and what's with all the 'badboys' are u all gay for eachother? or are u having trouble thinking of 'Tough Enough' names for yourselves?lmfao
THANK YOU! It's hard for people to understand that I was Never In Terror. Is that so hard for people to understand? At least Terror has better reading comprehension than Mag or that deaddolls person on my wall.
I would just like to state that i hired a 50b tutor off of magnificent after reading this post. The tutor was worth the value. He hired back. Just after leaving a nice threat in my PM.
Ohyeah lol jopo you just reminded me I hire deaddolls that was the one. Mag said not to hire. And if I try him, he will speak to my owner how am i supposed to take that? Don't tell daddy I played with your deaddolls!