
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Jan 29, 2012.

  1. Well I'm back (again) to uh well uh be me. And fuck around. If you catch me say hi. Might not be on everyday. Working on a new story. Not sure on a title.
  2. Hello....? 
  3. Yay more stories 
  4. Hia Block
    Whose Glenn0.0
  5. That one it said error 
  6. Glenn is the bad boy from before 

    And yes there is a new story. It's very odd. Prologue is very pronounish and questioning. Digs deep into your soul
  8. Im TheBadBoy 
  9. But he has an upgraded soul nahh just a new name
  10. FOXAII.

    What about the monster collab we did on pal?