
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Goldialocks, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. ----

    'Fragments of my memories reside inside my head. I don't remember anything... Other than the night I met you.

    You were holding me close, whispering sweet nothings inside my head. I was crying that night, but my knight in shining armor arrived just in time. My lips were pursed as you leaned in to kiss me, another one of your charming tactics.

    I held back that night, and I regret it. I didn't remember anything the next day, all I remember... Was you. You and your rugged goodlucks and your good for nothing attitude.'


    "Camella... Camella..."

    "Doctor! Will she be okay!"

    "It looks like she's suffering from permanent memory loss. It'd be a miracle if she knows you."

    A voice rang in the pit of my head, calling out for me. I remember it vaguely, it was a woman's voice. Frail, and slightly traumatized.


    "She's waking..."

    I sat up, scanning for anything to assist me. I was weak, and I wanted to look at my visitors. I fell back down and moaned as my back hit the matress, it was a rude awakening for me. I jolted back up, the pain sending bolts of electricity up my spine.

    "Camella! Camella darling, who am I?!"

    The sickly voice called for me again and I only shook it off, the voice magnified and it echoed in my head loudly, causing me a headache.


    Another voice rang, this time soothing and calm. I wanted to reach out for it, but a pair of hands grabbed and shook me. Hard. I cried out and slapped them away, they were causing me horrid pain. I couldn't see either, I was blindfolded.

    "Miss, your daughter is blindfolded. She can't see. Refrain from shaking her, please."

    The same soothing voice told the woman to stop, and two words rang in my head.

    'Daughter... Mother...'

    Was I related to her in any way?

    Another pair of hands gently caressed my cheek and removed the fold, and I screamed at what I saw. A man near my age, about 23 held a bloody bandage and he smiled wearily at me. My supposed mother was shaking, grabbing onto the railing of the bed to steady herself. There was another figure, another boy. He looked 18 at the most.

    "Miss, your daughter only remembers her age and name. Do not cause more stress, or she'll go into another coma again."

    The woman glared at the smiling man, and turned to me.

    "Camella, do you know who I am?"

    "... My mom?"

    I asked in a way that sounded as if I really was answering her. Not being sarcastic.

    "Camella- what's my name. Who is he?"

    The woman grabbed the other boy, who had his hands in his pockets as he looked up, his shaggy brown hair covering his face. I could see dots of freckles and his pale face, not to mention streaks of dried tears,

    "I don't know."

    I really didn't know. I felt sorry for the woman, who broke down in tears. Losing a family member stung.. Worse, if their child forgot them.

    "What do you remember?"

    The doctor put the bandage down and looked at me, his expression serious and stoic.

    "... A brown haired man with hazel eyes, wearing a wastecoat and had a gun. Wore a watch, looked about your age, doctor."

    The doctor flinched and regained his composture, shaking his blonde hair away.

    "I see. Well, visiting's time over, miss."

    His lips were pursed and the woman glared at him again, before grabbing her son and hauling him out. I stared at the doctor who sat on the bed after, putting his hand on my lap.

    "Everything's going to be fine..."


  2. *good lucks


  3. *good looks

  4. Lololololol.
  6. -----

    The blonde hair doctor stared at me with his haunting purple eyes. He was so alluring... I subconciously leaned in without knowing and he laughed before grabbing my shoulers and putting my head on his lap while he played with my hair. He was vaguely familiar, and I was panicking inside. Who was this stranger? Is he really a doctor?

    "Camella... Do you remember me?"

    His voice was so silky...


    It was like meeting an angel...


    And with that, I was pinned to the bed and he gave me a peck on the cheek.

    "I'm not him anymore, Camella. I've changed. You'll see."

    I didn't panic anymore. His kiss was tender and I almost melted in his grasp, but I didn't. This was wrong... Very very very very very very very very very very very very wrong.

    "I'm the patient! No! Doctor-"

    "It's James to you, Camella. Doctor when your mom is here."

    His presence disturbed me, yet I flushed from embarrassment...

    How odd.


    Lololol. WHO IZ JAMEZ.
  7. You tell us! 
  8. O.O
    WHY YOU NO UPDATE?! 

    Lol. Fuck no. I'll update latah. :0
  10. Lol!
    Ok 