Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *_CookieRadar_ (01), Jan 21, 2012.

  1. Post the best pictures of you,you've got!!!!!
  2. I shall post a picture...
  3. I will post this one again
  4. I hereby vow to farm each and every person who makes a picture thread when we have told people to stop.
  5. Another!!
  6. yes wolf
  7. A mod threatening to farm lol.. Good attitude bro
  8. Razor, we are still players. I war and farm all the time. Nothing to do with me being a mod.

    That being said, count me in Neon ཽ
  9. U look good Jessie so fine
  10. count me in neon 
  11. How about extra farming for idiots that post a picture thread twice in 24 hours? That would be Jessie.