Fortune Show

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Anime_Fan (01), Jan 19, 2012.

  1. 
    Welcome to the Fortune Shop! I will post on your wall a random fortune that I will make up. I will try to make these funny. The only cost of any gift (you can choose) sent to me saying "Fortune" on it. .__.
    Please note~ Fortune Shop is not responsible for any fortunes that do not come true! :3
    I made this thread out of boredom so I'm expecting troll replies but try to keep them to a minimum. ^^
  2. Aww darn. I made the title Fortune Show not Fortune Shop 
  3. Me wanna fortune!
  4. I wouldn't send a gift for a fake fortune not even a six pack...
  5. LMAO ! she attacks me after my comment ? she said expect trolling . acting a but hypocritical aren't we. 
  6. Set a 50 dollar gift
  7. Umm. I tried to send you a gift, but you blocked me? Okay then
  8. Oreo
  9. Ok guys I'm sorry about this whole thing. You see I have a little brother who plays this game on my profile and he's usually on just the forums. But when I got up this morning I was farmed to death by various users. So jiode I'm sorry he attacked you and Oreo idk why he blocked you so I unblocked you.
  10. It's always the pitiful family excuse.

    Grow up. You're the one responsible for your iDevice.
  11. Set a passcode for your iDevice.