Bump!!! Ahh hey guys would you guys read my story also it's called love war and death! Please read it and tell me what you think!!
Chelsea's point of view: "... is locked." I gasped in horror. The door would not budge at all. The janitor must have locked it when he left. *grumble* Ugh. I'm so hungry. I have not eaten anything yet. Regina took so much of my time, fixing me. What should I do now? Scream for help? Call Rick? Quickly, I fiddled Rick's number on my cellphone. "Please, Rick. Pick up the phone." I pleaded silently. The phone rang continuously, but Rick did not answer it. I tried again and again and again. But no one answered. "Maybe Rick is still preparing for this." I thought loudly. I should stay positive. Even though he was already 1 hour late, I should still trust him. I sat down on the bench again. The sun was setting while the moon became more and more visible. "Soon, it will be nighttime." I shivered. I hate to admit it. I am actually scared in the dark. "Please Rick. Don't fail me." I mumbled to myself until I slowly drifted to sleep. 1 hour later... I opened my eyes, and total darkness welcomed me. "Shoot! I fell asleep!" I exclaimed. I grabbed my cellphone and checked the time. The bright light from my phone made me squint my eyes to see the time. 7:23 pm "Where the hell is Rick?!" I angrily exclaimed. Suddenly, I realized the situation. It was pitch dark, and I can feel small bugs crawling to me. "Aaaah!" I screamed as I quickly brushed them off my leg. Ugh. I can't see a thing. This is making me totally scared. I grabbed my cellphone and tried Rick's number for the millionth time. But then again, no answer. "Where is he?!" I madly exclaimed. My patience was no more. I dialed Dale's number which Rick saved in my cellphone in case of emergencies. "Who's this?" Dale asked in a sing-song voice. "This is Chelsea. Sorry to disturb you. But do you know where is Rick?" I blurted out as fast as I could. "What a silly question," Dale laughed, "Isn't he with you?" "He didn't arrive..." I trailed off. "What?!" Dale gasped in surprise, "Where are you right now?" Suddenly, I remembered that Regina and Dale were having a date right this very moment. Regina can't stop talking about it when she was doing my make-up. "I'm at home. Don't worry about me." I lied and hung up. Suddenly, the strong wind blew, and I shivered terribly. Ugh, I left my jacket downstairs. "I have to call somebody." I thought loudly as I clasped my shoulders for little warmth. I called every person in my contacts, and coincidently, they were all very busy. Really. Why do these things keep on happening?! I am awfully starved. I am freezing. I am scared of the dark and the little bugs that were crawling to me. I am terribly tired. I bet my parents were worried. "WHERE IS HE?!" I cried out angrily. I don't have any choice. I have to save myself from this torture. There is one more person in my contacts that I have not called yet. I should have deleted his number a long time ago, but I always forget. I absolutely hate myself for doing this. But I have to do it. I dialed the number and waited for an answer. *click* "Hello?" a man answered. I kept silent. I should have not done this. "Chelsea?" the man uttered. Ugh. There's no escaping now. "I need your help... ... Ken."