Badda bing. Badda boom. 16 Issues. For now, the longest running episodic news in PiMD history. I'm proud of myself. It felt like yesterday that I was a Forum noob who wanted his name heard, so I made Boo's News. From 'Boo Predicts' to 'PotD' to even the 'Booscars'. Boo's News has had an impact on many people. This is the final Issue. I don't want to do this but I feel I have to. So here I'll do some thanks, best moments and stuff. Enjoy. Thanks Many people had a role in Boo's News, so I'm going to list as many as I can. If I miss you out, sorry and I love you. :') Here goes: OliviaAnna TheBadBoy Aziza2 PWND_CROSSF1RE -JordanMooCow- SugarPlum_Princess -Fletch- Anastasia_McDreamy Spyder _Warrior xX_Flame_xX (Inspiration) Hill (Inspiration) Chewbacca (Inspiration) Simply_Fox secilywoo TheOneYouWantToBe EpiclyIsaac I know some of these names have changed since I've been away, but meh. Sorry to those I missed, but thank-you all! A big thank-you to my loyal readers for making Boo's News possible. Best of PotD This is a compilation of the best pictures seen on PotD (Pictures of the Day). Boom. What a great bunch of pictures. Hoped you enjoyed them. Ending Not much of an Issue, thought I'd say goodbye and stuff. I'd like to wish ILOP [I-Love-Oreo-Pie] well in her Oreo's News and I hope and know that she will be better than me, she already is but boom. Thank-you all for helping me make Boo's News and I thank you. Stay safe as it gets colder my Booligans.
It was great reading your news while you did them, and I'm sad you're stopping. I can understand that you wanted to stop, and I hope you had a good time making these and some good memories.
Thank-you, JD, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had many memories doing this, thank-you for being a loyal reader.
Great Job Webboo! Gonna miss reading your news Last pic and candy store and one above that are the best Good luck in life
I could've gotten News for you Boo! Like SOPA and the Petition Or The Cinnamon Challenge on YouTube. It's been an Honor To be a Reporter.