Asians are a funny people

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *PhiTheta_Chris (01), Jan 18, 2012.

  1. Asian people don't like veing made fun of.
    Need I say more?
  2. Oh hay amewican peepoh, you fine prease! me no raceist me ¡funny guy!
  3. I'm sure in Asian PIMD there's a thread saying, "American people are a funny"
  4. Asain and America share the same forums. Being racist is against the ToU... You will be silemced
  5.  No humor sense blizzard 
  6. I agree this thread is very racist.
  8. No humor because I am asian!
  9. I'm
    Not sure how this thread has any humor at all. Asian people are just like us there's nothing funny or different about them.
  10. Asians may have an intresting accent, but if you tried to speak any oriemtal language, you'd prabaly sound intresting too...
  11. Hey to Asians to Americans have a wierd accent??
  12. To Asians do***
  13. Shall we let the creator explain why he or she thinks Asians are funny? Perhaps he or she meant it in a good way.

    Creator, kindly elaborate on your claim. 
  14. >.< Almost all my friends are Asian, and they're serious as hell.
  15. Jacob. Americans without an accent would only sound funny if they were speaking another language. When you have an accent you say one thing but people hear it differently then what you say in your head. People without an accent don't sound funny to people with an accent.
  16. Did you mean funny as in looks or funny as in what they say? Or other? Please check one.