The Revenge Plot: OT story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Jan 16, 2012.

  1. This story will feature:
    Spyder as Wilson "The Revenger"
    Goldia as Goldia "The Mastermind"
    Chance as Drake (again:3) "The Other Mastermind"
    Me as Ariel "The Action taker"
    Phammie as Lexxi "The Assistant"
    Webboo as Boo "The Savior"

    In a world where the girls and boys at in a small town don't get along, they begin the Revenge Games. Girls versus boys, a simple summer long game, right?

    Or do the girls take it too far when Wilson finds himself tied to the flag pole in the rain? Will the boys get revenge?

    Find out soon!
  2. 'The Savior'.

    I likey.
  3. I'll post chapter one shortly
  4. Better be soon! I can't wait.

  5. Chapter one

    POV: Wilson

    "Hurry up Chance," I cough in Goldia's doorway. All three girls appear to be fast asleep while Chance puts the finishing touches on the mirror.

    "Heheh they're gonna wake up to a vonderful surprise," Chance cackles cornily as we slip down the stairs and out the back door. Once we reach the yard I turn around, gazing up at Goldia's blue curtains. No damage is visible from the outside. Not even the shadow of the bloody, fake clown dangling inches over Ariel's face.

    "Our cover is depleting swiftly retreat, over!" I holler at Chance whose checking himself out in the kitchen window.

    "One moment," he utters flexing before trotting after me into the woods.
  6. Keep going! 
  7. Boo you come in later
  8. Cool, I just wanna read the story. :3
  9. I thought I was drake xD
  10. Fail. Your chance now :p
  11. Nice story , but in the beginning what did you mean ? I couldn't comprehend it.

  12. Goldia?


    *Plays ossum samurai muzic*

  13. Your name is Ariel
  14. Y u no Hendrix :O

    And Goldia? What mastermind has a name like that? ;u;

  16. Chloe scoot your booty on over to pal