We can draw you by your personality 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *redOrical (01), Jan 13, 2012.

  1. ILY
  2. Good: friendly 
    Bad: lazy, get moody easily? 
    Fave no: 15 
  3. Good: funny well I try to be
    Bad: I always mess good things up
    Fav number: 7
  4. Hahahaa, thanks !!
  5. I'm strong

    hmm bad traits...
    I like getting wasted and high 
    I can be stubborn at times
  6. Lmao I look hot!
  7. Funny

    Sometimes mean

    Fav number 64billion
  8. Omg LMAO!
    I love these
  9. Kind


    6 and 13 
  10. Good thing:
    I got a gothic thing and I like cats

    Bad thing: dressing beautiful but a bit skimpy 
    Bad thing: got secrets 
    Numbers: 13 and 99
  11. Monazita

    Awesome (good) 
    Modest (not so good) 
    Perfect (not so good... It's hard to be so perfect) 

    19 and 9
  12. Athletic

