The ''and'' game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kronosss, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Joe Biden licked it and....
  2. Im done with this story y'all go ahead
  3. Trolls ninja puppy and kills myself just to come back to life once more and
  4. Block why do you hate me
  5. I don't dude I'm just making a joke.......
  6. I really have to change my name :( it has nothing to do with blocks 
  7. Ninja ruined the game.
  8. Not the first time I have done it
  9. That's what she said.
  10. It's not funny
  11. Hey dude at least you didn't take an arrow to the knee 
  12. I don't get that joke
  13. It's from a very popular game called the elder scrolls V: skyrim, Usually called skyrim. One of the guards says he used to be a great mercenary until he took an arrow to the knee. Hence the arrow to the knee jokes
  14. I like pizza and
  15. I knocked out the pizza guy and
  16. He cursed at me and
  17. You did a trust fall on him and