I'm confused as to why a silence happened

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BsLovesSw-4E-, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Crizz.. Shut up noob 
  2. Let it go sola grow up!!!
  3. I did it's long gone
  4. Bye bye have fun trolling my little baby trolls
  5. Anything is [/] everything..... Any thing is silencable is the same as every thing is silencable.
  6. Whoops  I meant [/i]
  7. Ur right trolls r funny!!!!
  8. So can someone answer my post??? Page 1 
  9.  if Maxie failed you failed as well criz
  10. Jacky look at the post right below your post on page 1 
  11. Oh my bad i saw Olivia and thought it was meant for her 

    But I know what you said but unlike
    a bypass, silencing for harassment is alot harder to judge. Someone irritable could file harassment for anyone on their case?

    I want to know HOW they justify a silence based on harassment.

    Then someone may say that a mod is harassing them because they are replying them in a rude matter or such.
  12. Did nobody see me say good day ?!

  13. I did.

  14.  Nope. And isn't it our right to ask questions?

    Your not obliged to answer, though it would be greatly appreciated 
  15. A silence is between the moderators involved, the person silenced, and support.

    Bs, the user in question was silenced for personally harrasing certain moderators. She had been warned when she harassed Rose, and she apologized. Then recently she decided to take it upon herself to harass another mod. Comments were made that are considered against TOU, so she was silenced.

    If she has any further questions she can email support. As for everyone else, we have explained more than we are required to already.
  16. Thanks miss mod 
  17. no Tynos I never troll I don't comment rudly to the person who makes the thread therefor I don't troll I kno better then that!!
  18. *Rudely
