The Lying Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Parsec13-Ipseity_Eunoia, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. How the game works:

    Post 3 things about yourself. One has to be a lie. Next person has to guess the lie. Then they post 3 things about themselves. And on and on.

    My example:
    1. Dated 15 people
    2. Went paragliding
    3. Has a niece

    Can u guess which is a lie?
  2. The second one
  3. 2.

    1. I have a pet
    2. Pimd Hates me
    3. I like cereal
  4. Wrong.

    Now u can add three things about yourself.
  5. Spelled it right this time eh.

    Ok, u have to tell 3 things about yourself.
  6. I failed accounting
    I smoke cigarettes
    I rebelled as an adolescence
  7. Cigarettes

    My left big toe is bigger than right.
    I have big butt.
    My ear piecing is crooked.
  8. Big butt is a lie ?

    1. I've six tattoos.
    2. I'm a neurosurgeon.
    3. I can't speak French/spanish/russian.
  9. 3. I guess you ARE trilingual?

    1. I took a dump like 30 minutes ago
    2. I paid $5 for this name
    3. I’m trilingual