Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by mickey12345, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. I got silenced for saying any aliens (15-18) chat me wth is wrong damn mods this my 4 th offence
  2. it was an accident...send an email...and you bypassed
  3. I saw that lol 
  4. I bypassed?
  5. Oh well i already sent an email
  6. Lol no you didn't bypass...you named/asked for a specific group to chat you.
  7. Mods are just....no comment. 
  8. Oh fuck that now no mods are on screw that bullshit go suck bluewaffles
  9. lol filter fail
  10. Lol kambe 
  11. Dun worry Mickey  just message the support team and ask them to unsilence you? 
  12. fuck that a specific group thats not fucking real
  13. Yea its my 4 th time getting silenced
  14. Haha well lots of people were asking for certain groups/ages to chat them. So to mess around when they were there wasn't a good choice.
  15. I always ask for 90-136.

    I never get silenced.
  16. It was your 4th time? 4th time!!!! Do you see the issue? You are so stupid that you tested the mods 4 times. You are truly an idiot. I will email the devs to not allow you back.