AC.... I still don't like you You don't have a nice cell in your body. Isn't there a little voice in your head that say "Hey Dude! Don't say that!" Well, Listen to it and Grow Up. ~Ari
Tiger Blood? Seriously? AC!! You mean, you know what Chuck E. Cheese is?! But... But... But I thought the big bad mousy scared you?! ~Ari
If somebody used this on me, I'd probably go out with him. Nooo. Nooooo. Nooo I wonnn'ttt. "Are you a rare candy? Because I felt like you just leveled me up." "Are you a pikachu? Because you are shockingly beautiful." "I think a paralyze heal because you are SHOCKING." Too obsessed.
Also, I would like to inform everyone that AC is butt hurt because we got into an argument one time and someone obviously can't let things go, so he attacks my thread like a little child because it makes him sleep better at night knowing that he tears people down on a dump internet game.