 *facegroin*

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Goldialocks, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. Oh crap...

    I have too many stories to do.

    And my fingers are itching to type up a new one...

    Can somebody choose the stories they think I should continue? *faceeverything*

    •The Magician

    Personal stalker of a sixteen year old girl. :0 the stalker's like... Nineteen. He's her new neighbour, and they did a random mural in the park. I'm thinking of discontinuing this one and starting a new story with the same plot... The prolouge kinda fucked it up.

    •My Staccato Heels are Killing Me

    Humor genre, and is neverending unless I get a legit plot for this. Which, I don't have. SMH.

    Miranda. Traumatized diva who lost her boyfriend to her pupil. Pupil, which scored a man that took her three months to take. The PUPIL, WHO ONLY TOOK THREE CLASSES WITH HER. She and Lillian, another traumatized girl, do a lot of unspoken things. Such as? Stuff their face with food or violate the TV with pens and markers. To get over this awkwardness in her life, she calls up her friend. Things get even more awkward when her bisexual BF gets jealous. :0

    Then meet Kamryn! She's the comical relief and she loves turkeys... ._. er... Not to mention... ._.

    Enough spoilers. >.> this one's fun to write, rofl.

    Cinna, a girl of age 8, is a friendless, loveless, shoeless little girl. Her parents are drug dealers, not to mention they test their own drugs that they make. They do unthinkable things, and use Cinna as a punching bag. Nobody cares, except a boy from her neighborhood. Their parents distaste their bonding, so the boy is forced to move away. Years later, he returns, and Cinna is now... Er... ... ... ...

    No spoilers. >.<

    In the future, many things are created. Robots, teleportation, time travel (no. That' just crossing the line.)... Mainly robots.

    It's a fact that robots cannot learn to love. But-

    They can always bond.

    When that special bond becomes something unbreakable, it becomes love. When it is rumored that a android and a human are together, the Government declares a war, and havoc starts then fucks everything up. What will they do, anyways?

    (No. It's not a sappy "OMG! NUUUU!" romance war thing. Trust me. >.>)

    •Swimmin' in a sea of gucci

    *no comment*

    Have fun choosing! Adios, amigos! 8(
  2. :3 I LURVES them all. :3
    I'm surrounded by idiots. DX
  3. Rotfl, I'm arguing with a stupid ass.
  4. Like...? :0
  5. You can take a good guess...
  6. Chronometer and Cinnamon 
    Such a hard decision 
  7. Btw
    Who's groin is your face in? 
  8. BTW Julie arguing with Emma?
  9. Wha...



    chronometer chronometer chronometer chronometer<3

    cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon<3
  10. Let's just say my face is stuck in my own groin.

  11. Ted: Id like to stick your face to my groin.

    Fox: /)_= G change your name one more time. I swear
  12. Fox, this phone is the one that holds _Rawr_'s account. It got deleted so I needed to make a NEW one.

    The other two are CheekyChloe and

    Mom's phones.

    I'll reset again soon.

  13. Ted, the only groin my face is getting near, is mine.

  14. And (clearly) I'm ungrounded. So .... See you on Pal0.0