Caribbean Cruise RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LadySapphire, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. "Not that you'd care...".
    -I slowly stand up and walk back towards my cabin.
  2. -changes into designer jeans and another pretty blouse and records song-

    "life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone, I hear you call my name..and it feels like..home."

    -sings the verse warming up sounding great-
  3. -I reach the door and look into my bag,
    AGHHH. My keys on the dresser!
    "Dammit..", I mutter.
    - I kick my door before turning around and looking out to sea.
  4. *pops back up to the top*
  5. -looks at james sideways and giggles-
  6. -I hear something and open my door to see- -sees Cassie-
  7. -I glance behind me and see Derek, I sheepishly grin before turning back to look at the ocean.
  8. "Kay..not good enough.."

    "Miranda Kaylee Ice! Please, dear, the reason I allowed you to sing is to sing folk songs for us!"

    "Oh, come on, Dad! Don't worry, it'll be cool! You mean these folk songs you sing? They're ..
  9. Wht u laughing at humm
  10. Cassie? Do you need anything? Or want help?
  11. I dont know....

    -smiles and floats on back-
  12. -I blush.
    "I kinda... Locked myself out of my cabin.."
  13. Or do u *drags u under again*
  14. -pulls you with me-
  15. Oh.. Wait. -takes my phone out and calls the cruise personal-
    •A service man comes and opens the door•
  16. *pops back up again* this will never end will it
  17. *wakes up and puts on gir ears and free hugs t shirt*
  18. "Thanks!", I tip the service guy generously.
    "Thanks Derek...", I look at my feet.
  19. (someone's getting a free hug)
  20. (lol I'm wearing gir ears then a gir free hugs t shirt loll)