Caribbean Cruise RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LadySapphire, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. -finishes skating and decides to hit the pool and get ready for the dinner later changes into a green-red bikini and gets into the pool-
  2. Be carefull haha
    -walks towards the pool-
  3. I will be.

    -pulls off my black t shirt as I catch up with him-
  4. -spreads my golden hair across my shoulders-
  5. -takes sunglasses, cap, shoes and shirt off revealing abs (lol) and dives into the pool-
  6. -avoids getting my hair wet-
  7. -unbraids my dark red hair and pulls off my shorts, I flip into the pool splashing Derek-
  8. -get up to breathe and flips hair to a side-
  9. -looks at his wet tousled hair-

    That's sexy

    -I stick my tongue out-
  10. Haha
    -flips it again-
    Like that? -laughs-
  11. Maybe a little

    -laughs and splashes Derek-
  12. -sees two people flirting and turns around and finds a supermodel (boy) flirting with me and doesn't flirts back-
  13. Don't splash me haha
    -I look aroumd for hot girls-
  14. (I'm back)
    Walks back outside and listens to music
  15. Fine....

    -sees him looking around and sighs floating on back-
  16. Nothing better to do right now *heads into a cabin changes in to my bathing suit and grabs the book I'm reading then heads to the pool*
  17. Puts sunglasses on and turns my IPod on and switches to music
  18. -waits till Derek is absorbed in girl watching before getting out and sitting on a lawn chair-
  19. -sees a hot girl and swims towards her- (Miranda)
  20. *gets there and sits down on a deck chair*