Caribbean Cruise RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LadySapphire, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. -pulls on a pair of short shorts over a hot pink bikini and walks out flashing a smile at the guy at the bar-
  2. -looks at the girl smiling and winks, then turns and orders a drink-
  3. -finishes skating and walks over to bar and orders a non-fat milkshake and the guy gives me 70% off-
  4. -debates it for a second then sits down next to him ordering a fruit smoothie-

    Hey there
  5. Hey
    -i grab the beer and drink-
  6. -raises an eyebrow at the beer and sips my smoothie-

  7. Not much..
    -takes sunglasses off-
    What about you?
  8. -looks around at the beer and smoothie and quickly finishes my milkshake-
  9. -shrugs-

    Sunburnt and a bit bored.

    -taps fingers in a rhythm on my leg-
  10. (I realize cause I've been offline recently quite a bit can one of u e my character occasionally and where are we)
  11. (at the bar. Now I'm goin back to skatin)

    -runs back to ice rink with my skates-
  12. Drinks the smoothie and continues drawing
  13. What your name? -drinks-
  14. -skates to Don't Rain On My Parade-

    -does a double toe loop and a double combination lock-
  15. *heads into a bar*
  16. Hendrix. You?

    -finishes my smoothie and wishes I brought my guitar-
  17. Sits at a table in the bar and drinks my smoothie
  18. -skates around happily not knowing that the skate routine I did was broadcasted on to the bar and deck-
  19. Derek.
    -puts ray ban sunglasses back on-