Life RP returns :3

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Walks into the maze
  2. -hears teacher call-

    "It's nap time!!"
  3. *whispers back* ok
  4. *graba dereks hand* lets goo *laughs*
  5. "I can hear u whispering..." I say smiling
  6. -ducks to the left and grabs his hand pulling him behind me-
  7. Haha okay
    -goes with kira-
  8. "I can hear you two whispering!! Come on let's goo!!"
  9. *gets pulled by adriee and trips, luckily the grounds made of soft fake grass*
  10. Walks and sees Tom and Adriee "were u trying to scare us?"
  11. Are you okay?!

    -I ask ducking behind a bench-
  12. -heard teacher yelling at us to hurry-
  13. -hears the teacher too-
  14. Hears the teacher
  15. "L-let's go. I'm scared.."
  16. Grr the teacher is calling.

    -stands up smiling-
  17. *hears the teacher too* she sounds mad
  18. "Tom, Adriee the teacher wants us!" I yell and I walk out of the maze