Life RP returns :3

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Jan 2, 2012.

  1. (you were taking a long time fox and we thought you were inactive)

    -I shyly wave-
  2. Go call the teacher -I say to kira-
  3. Okay *runs inside* Teacher Lady!
  4. (skeleton for stage two
    Age (6-8)
    Favorite color
    Favorite animal
    Best friend
    Two words to describe your personality)
  5. (Name: Adriee
    Age 7 1/2
    Favorite color: purple
    Favorite animal: panda
    Best friend: is new here doesn't have one
    Two words to describe your personality: bubbly
  6. (who want's to be ny bestfriend? Lol Kira? )
  7. (kira do you mind if I put you as my best friend cuz your basically the only friend I have so far?)
  8. (lol sure derek I'll be ur bestie and go ahead tom xD)
  9. (or u can be Tom's.. Eliza wanna be my best friend? Lol)
  10. (Lol sure y not)
  11. (are we allowed more than one best friend?)
  12. (just put down someone's name 0.9 sorry I wanna start soon)
  13. (aww I wanted derek as my buddy xDD)
  14. (ok then Kira is my best friend. )