Biased NOOBS.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-_DimSumWarrior_- (01), Dec 30, 2011.

  1. That's not what I thought..
    At all....
  2. Exaclty what I thought.

  3. And then I launch an rpg-7 at the pedo and he dies along with everybody who was in the blast radius.
  4. And then blockey and I eat cookies.
  5. What about my cookies.  I created the story!

  6. But then I steal all the cookies for my own because I FUCKING LOVE COOKIES!!!!!! :evil:
  7. You died Jessica. nO COOKIES FOR YOU.
  8. You are a mean, mean man. 

  10. But I all of the sudden resurrected you! And everyone except the pedo.
  11. I didn't die. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Are you trying to kill me off like all of your other asshole friends?!?! Your so like them! A mother fucking stuck up snobby bitch!!! Your such a goddamn fuck face Shananon! Ugh I dont even wanna waist my time on your fucking worthless ass!!

  12. ^rofl. Your sarcasm is extreme. XDDD