
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *SoftyJosie (01), Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Ok everyone. This is a remake I know that! I just can't find the thread. So who is your crush on this game or in real life?

    I have noticed that the forums have been not as fun anymore and just have been BLAH! Haha. So let's make them come alive again!

    Post below

    This is below

    Down there

    You see it?

    Ready set


    *sits back and eats popcorn*
    By the way:
    I am not responsible for your crush if they find out and any awkwardness!
  2. leothecool

    The only person I Really like on Pimd 
  3. What rose? Did I do something wrong? Lock this thread then 
  4. 

    It's dark rose, You guess Quick!
  5. It could have been worse, I could've done the riot thing lol 
  6. 

    It's dark rose, You guess Quick!
  7. I can't say mine I would get killed 
  8. 1. Maybe my crush?
    2. Whoever is crushing on me
    3. 
  9. His username has e's in it. D:
  10. You can say it. It's really ok if you do. Haha. The girl might not even see this.
  11. I will not say mine haha. It's a secret. 
  12. I said my crush But I made it's Size 10 Text xD
  13. That narrows it down 

    And I will when we are closer to the end of the page.
  14. I saw it Leo. 
  15. You are!! But Shhh
  16. I think the small print is "leothecool" .-.