Fletch, try him with mah LVL 45 mudkeip. >:L MUDKEIPZ. Omfg I miss my pokemon sapphire so much... Hoenn was the best region EVA. I kinda regret giving it to my friend who's about a lightyear away rofl. America is so so so so far. ;n; Now they don't even sell it here anymore rofl. And I don't trust Amazon. >:I wayyy overpriced. SWAMPORT, YUNOLETMETOUCHYOURTAIL?
Eh. I used to do all sorts of geeky stuff like bring my pokemon cards to school. Then everybody got tired of them and started to call me some nerd without a life. Rofl. Life my ass. WHO NEEDS IT WHEN YOU HAVE MUDKIP? ... I do. ;n;
DON'T TOUCH MY CAFFEINE!!!! IF I SEE ONE OF YOU EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT (Except Chloe) I WILL EAT YOUR HEAD AND MAKE A COFFEE WITH THE BLOOD!!! Nah I joke... I'll only cut one of your hands or maybe both hands... Idk yet
I have a legit shiny.... Wait for it... The only shiny I've ever seen in the years I've played Pokemon games..... psyduck Am not kidding. What a raw deal it's blue
XDDD omg jihi. PSYDUCK?! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL. Spy, I have a lvl 100 shiny arceus. UMADBRO? Jace, yes. I do have a mew. FACE THE SHAME, DERP!