Win a 5 dollar App Store card!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BunanzaLuvsOlivia, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. Merry Christmas PimD, or whatever the hell you guys celebrate.

    In the the holiday spirit, I decided to host a little giveaway. Winner gets a 5 dollar iTunes/Apps card.

    All you have to do is post on my wall. Anyone seen posting more than once is disqualified.

    Have fun!
  2. Oh, and post on this thread.
  3. Post again?
  4. That's sweet. I don't get it.
  5. Are you silenced?
  6. Well I'm silenced. D:
  7. I'll reserve a spot for both of you.
  8. Thanks. I'll be unsilenced in about another ten hours or so.
  9. Is it a competition?
  10. Sounds like a raffel. o.0
  11. OooooOoohh..... Me. 
  12. -headdesk-

    What he said. *Raffle. D:
  13. Jihi!

    You inspired me to buy Borderlands!
    I like it a loot.
    Get it?
  14.  sooo much looting.
  15. is amazing. Need Borderlands 2 
  16. September '12 release right?

    I have all the DLC to keep me busy.
    I plan on getting at least my hunter and siren to max level.
  17.  I was lazy so I just now beat Crawmerax a few weeks ago.

     that boss is intense.
  18. Really?

    What class did you choose first?

    I bought the game for two friends, so I picked hunter and they picked Siren/Berserker.