
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NeonQueen, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. Mentor 
    Username: SensualPie
    Nickname: Pie
    Genres: Mystery, Murder, Suspense, Supernatural stuff, etc.
    Stories: Invisible, Blood On The Ice, Red Rose

    I hereby promise to mentor my student to the best of my abilities, and to teach them as much as they are willing to learn. I will help my students in a timely manner.
    Signed: SensualPie
  2. Who wouldn't wanna adopt me? 
  3. Ok, seen as Andi is mentoring Bridget, are u mentoring anyone Pie?
  4. Could u mentor me?
  5. I want to be a student btw rofl.
  6. I can handle two students 
  7. I need help.I downloaded photo bucket but dnt know how to use it
  8. Mentor



    Drama, romance, mystery, murder,

    Trapped, More Than You Know, Unknown Bloodline.
  9. Mentor




    Drama,humour,a mix of both,murder stories,mainly history stories like ancient Korea or Japan

    I'm embarrassed to say my works as they were total failures(only a few people read them)

    I hereby promise to mentor my student to the best of my abilities,and to teach them as much as they are willing to learn. I will help my student to the best of my ability.
    Signed, Tiffany
  11. Mentor




    Drama,romance,humour,a mix of all three,murder stories,mainly history stories like ancient Korea(Silla) or Japan(Samurai!)

    I'm embarrassed to say my two works as they were total failures(only a few people read them). I mainly do RPs nowadays though I like to write.

    I hereby promise to mentor my student to the best of my abilities,and to teach them as much as they are willing to learn. I will help my student in a timely manner. Please forgive me if I answer a little late as I might be in RP.

    Sorry I edited it a little...
  12. Oh yeah and I always write fiction though sometimes I base it on TV series or Japanese manga or fiction books. 

  13. *glomps Sophie*

    AY AY CAPTAIN. >:3
  14. ;n; I don't have a student yet
  15. I don't have a mentor yet
  16. Pick either Heartz or me 
  17. So I shall mentor you 

  18. ._. Or you could pick Tiffany