Yeah mouflon, I laughed my head off when I saw that Rawr IS Chloe. Seriously, Rock star, why don't you think before you talk? :| ~candy
Guys, don't embarrass Rock Star. She's nice... Besides. It's not our fault if the noob of PIMD commit a massecre that killed most of the veterans. Am I right? .-.
off all point of this topic, when she said "I took an arrow to the knee", it reminded me of a game with someone known as a Dragonborn cuz someone said "I was an adventurer till I took an arrow to the knee"dont judge me
it's Rock Stars other account because she got perm silenced while she was sleeping for writing a rude thing on world chat!
JD, who said I was spoiled? You don't seem me begging for anything. o.0 Rofl. Paris? I can wait for next year... : D Matt, GET IN MAH CLUB. NOW. :3